
Marine Weather Intelligence is an expert in marine weather routing for all types of vessel.

With over 30 years’ experience, the tools developed by our team aim to improve the quality of our routing by taking into account more parameters such as the uncertainty of weather models, all sea state variables (height, direction and period), temperature, gusts and currents.

We include alerts in the routing relating to dangerous phenomena and extreme conditions that can slow the boat’s progress and pose safety problems.

Sailing boats

MWI accompanies pleasure crafts on short and long voyages.

We carry out a pre-departure analysis to find the best window for your crossings.

We then follow up with a daily report including one or more routings and an analysis by our weather experts.

special transports

MWI provides reports and routings for special transport and special maritime operations. 

Towing, transport of heavy goods or maintenance operations on wind and offshore fields require specific weather conditions to guarantee the safety of operations. 

Our experts routed the transport of the James Webb Telescope between Los Angeles and Kourou.

Super Yachts

MWI supports the owners or crews of superyachts to route them and ensure safety and comfort on board during cruises and crossings.

Shipping and Passenger Crafts

MWI works for the routing of passenger ships and cargo vessels with the aim of optimizing their route, reducing fuel consumption and improving the accuracy of the ships’ ETAs.