Weather Analysis

Marine Weather Intelligence carries out meteorological analysis on forecast data (reports) or on past climatological data (studies).

The analysis combine the artificial intelligence tools developed by our technical team’s R&D department with MWI’s 30 years of meteorological expertise in maritime operations and ocean racing.

Weather reports

MWI provides weather reports for specific geographical areas or at specific locations.

The reports can be generated once or several times a day and can include a meteogram of the forecast, a display of the conditions encountered on Windy (wind, gusts, sea, current, satellite images), as well as probabilistic forecasts from ensemble wind or sea state models.

Climatologic studies

MWI carries out climatological analysis of past data.

We produce reports showing the statistical distribution of meteorological data over a defined area for various parameters that can have an impact on operations and shipping (wind, gusts, sea state, currents, etc.).

We also carry out studies on simulated routing distributions based on reanalysed data. This enables us, for example, to obtain probabilities on the duration of a specific route, the time spent on different points of sail or even the average weather conditions encountered on a route.


MWI provides post-hoc analysis of events or incidents at sea to determine the conditions encountered at the time of the incident (re-analysed models).

We can also determine the weather information available before the incident (weather forecasts) from grib files.

MWI also performs drift calculations.